Sunday, December 28, 2008


"[Sleep is] the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together." - Thomas Dekker

You may have everything - money, fame etc. But, if you can not sleep well, nothing matters. We do not appreciate good sleep much. But, lack of good sleep one day, just one day, can destroy our day completely. Being able to get enough good sleep is no less than a great boon. Good sleep is nourishing. First best thing is if you are able to get required amount of sleep everyday per the same routine. Next best thing is, if you must chose, is to get adequate  sleep regardless of schedule. Sometimes, we can not keep to strict sleep schedule. Somedays we go to bed late. Body has limited tolerance for such deviations.It can make up if you sleep late but also get up late and get the necessary sleep. Lack of sleep is the worst thing. Lack of sleep and on top of that if you have a major activity next day, that's the worst that can happen to anyone. Never wish that even to your worst enemy.

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